Our research

Brain development & injury


Our focus is on conditions of brain development and injury where a treatment does not yet exist. We are creating new models of complex neurological disorders, developing cellular and molecular tools that enable precise manipulation or repair of the brain and recording high-speed dynamics of specialized neurons derived from human stem cells. Our philosophy is to embrace a broad view of neuroscience as we integrate a constellation of molecular, cellular, developmental, electrophysiological and systems-level methods in our work. Ultimately, we hope to discover precisely how the nervous system is changed in neurodevelopmental disorders or by traumatic brain injury, and to use this information to create new therapies.


Our goal is to discover precisely how the nervous system is changed by disorders of brain development or injury and to translate these basic science discoveries into new therapies.


Our affiliations

We are part of the Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology at the University of California, Irvine.